Deanna Sako
Board Member
Deanna Sako became Managing Director for the County of Hawaii in January 2024. Prior to this she
served as Finance Director for 8 years and Deputy Finance Director for 7 years. She started at the County
of Hawaii in 1999 as Accountant for the Department of Parks and Recreation. In 2001, she joined the
Finance Department as Controller, and later served as the Deputy Finance Director and Finance Director.
Her experience before entering County government included 12 years of auditing for Deloitte & Touche
LLP in Honolulu, Maui, and Hilo. Deanna participated in the County of Hawaii and other county
government audits for many of those years. She graduated from Molokai High and Intermediate School,
then received her bachelor’s degree from Wartburg College with majors in Computer Science and
Accounting. She received her Master of Accounting Science degree from the University of Illinois.