Randy Kurohara
Board Member
Randy Kurohara is the Executive Director of Community First Hawaii, a local non-profit that serves as a
neutral convener in healthcare and a catalyst for solutions. He served for 8 years with Mayor Kenoi in
various roles at the County of Hawaii including Director of the Department of Research & Development,
Deputy Managing Director, and Managing Director. He is also a long time Hawaii Island small business
owner that includes Creative Arts Hawaii and Aloha Grown. He graduated from the University of Hawaii at
Manoa with a Bachelor’s of Business Administration degree in Marketing. He is the current President of
the Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce; member and past President of the Rotary Club of South Hilo;
director and past President of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hawaii; board member
of the Hawaii Health System Corporation’s East Hawaii Regional Board, the Salvation Army, Keahole
Center for Sustainability, and emeritus board member of the Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island.